Seven Sentence Sermon: Are You a Pebble or a Rock?


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Wandering outside the other day, I noticed something interesting in the parking lot.

Every time I had walked across the area in the past, I ignored the layer of gravel and the differences in each piece of rock.

After further review, I became aware that every small pebble in the path is different, though their sizes remain mostly the same, except for the rocks that seem to seep in between the smaller stones.

We know about the Rock that Christ teaches about in Matthew 7:24-27 (the wise man built his house on the rock), but we rarely consider the path to the house.

As Christians, it is imperative to stick together and find unity to help others find their way to the Solid Rock (Christ) because if we – like pebbles – fail to work together in a solid path, the road will become muddy during times of inclement weather causing others to slip.

At the same time, a rock amid the path can appear to be working with the others in providing a solid walkway but can cause someone to trip and fall.

Maybe, as believers, we are called not to inflate ourselves (like a rock compared to a pebble) but rather to stand firm together for whoever is making that trek to conversion: in other words, don’t be a (stumbling) rock, be a pebble.

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