Carl’s Cogitations: Finding Your Purpose


Many individuals spend most of their lives seeking a singular driving purpose to define themselves. Ultimately, most enter an endless cycle of seeking purpose that results in only finding meaningless aims. This chase for meaning and purpose is nothing new to humanity; in fact, King Solomon wrote an entire book of the Bible dedicated to his quest for discovering meaning in life.

As the son of David and now King, Solomon inherited fame, fortune, and power. Yet, these things did not bring him a sense of fulfillment. All of his accumulated wisdom and vast collection of literature likewise provided no answers for his feeling of emptiness. Seeking a different approach, Solomon focused on pouring all of himself into his work, planning and overseeing vast projects that were so magnificent that they became famous throughout the entire civilized world of his time. This, too, lacked a true sense of meaning for Solomon, so he turned to the opposite extremes of life, living in poverty and idleness and still having nothing but emptiness.

Solomon ultimately came to the conclusion that none of this world’s wisdom and none of this world’s pursuits could ever provide a true and lasting sense of purpose and meaning. But with these failures came the revelation of the only pursuit that brings purpose not only during the course of this life but also the eternal life to come.

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Seeing that Solomon has done all the research for us with regard to obtaining true meaning and purpose in life, we can be spared the search. We would be foolish to waste our time and energy seeking an answer to a question that another has already answered. The primary focus of an individual’s life has been discovered, and each of us can make the decision to start pursuing the only course in life that will bring true eternal purpose.

Micah, in chapter six and verse eight, speaks to what God has shown us with regard to the pursuit in life we should all be endeavoring to obtain.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

When it comes to this instruction to be just, a lover of mercy, and to humbly yield to God, one very important word is ‘require’…this is not a suggestion but a requirement put forth by God for each and every one of us to follow. Thus, each of us should make it a priority to walk humbly with God and practice justice and mercy for all people we interact with.

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